
This is still a work in progress

Terms of service

Effective as of

If you have commissioned us before this date please refer to our previous TOS.

Greetings, commissioning Diamond420Creations comes with the understanding and acceptance of our terms of services, Review them here,Reading and understanding the contents of this document is your responsibility. We cannot accept ignorance as an excuse for not following our terms. When you submit a quote form or make a payment, you demonstrate your understanding and acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.
Signing a contract is mandatory for all clients when finalizing any transactions.
We require that all of our customers are at least 18 years old.
We will not engage in business with minors through their parents or legal guardians.
To confirm your age, we may request that you provide us with legal identification.
If you are a minor and interested in our work, please visit our Etsy shop where we regularly list premade items for purchase.
It’s advisable that a parent or guardian examines any purchases before completion. While pricey, fursuits qualify as elaborate pieces of art rather than necessities.
We reserve the right to decline to work with individuals who do not comply with our terms or for any reason we deem necessary.
We do keep a black list (which is private for the moment).
Please note that we are a pet-friendly business.
Although our workspace is separate from our pets, we occasionally allow them in under surveillance. Despite our clean environment, we cannot be held responsible for any allergic reactions, injuries caused when using our products or customers' actions.


  • Canadian customers will be subject to an additional 10% tax on top of the price of their suit.

  • For commission information and/or instructions, please consult our website.

  • To obtain a quote, customers are required to complete a form as per our website instructions.

  • We offer up to three complimentary quotes. Additional requests without an order will incur a five-dollar USD fee per quote.

  • To ensure accuracy, please fully read through the form before submitting. Edits aren’t permitted once submitted, so it's important to take your time with this step!

  • Please refrain from attempting to calculate your quote yourself, as it is considered disrespectful and may result in blacklisting.


  • We understand the importance of material selection. We involve our customers in the process of material selection to ensure complete satisfaction with the final products. The chosen materials will be provided in the contract.

  • To provide our clients with high-quality materials at competitive pricing, we primarily rely on Bigzfabric for 99% of all furs used in our products. This being said, any pricing is based on that. While we would like to increase our price inclusion, purchasing from alternative sources would lead to significant cost difference coming from shipping expenses. Some furs/materials may be more expensive than others.

  • We won’t order anything from sketchy websites. If you would like anything ordered from Amazon or eBay you can order it yourself and have it shipped to us however if it does not meet our standards we will ship it back to you.

  • You can send in your own materials! however, they must be of high-quality. Note that this will not make the suit almost free, most of the suit cost is actually the time it takes us to make it. Any materials that do not meet our standards will be shipped back to you.

  • We can use a certain head base by an other maker extra fee’s for the cost of the base will apply. (Not all bases will be accepted).


  • Payment methods: Square is preferred however, E-transfer if your also Canadian or Etsy are also acceptable.

  • Square doesn’t require you to have an account.

  • (Etsy may apply taxes that are out of my control).

  • All prices on our website are in USD however, it will be converted to Canadian on the invoice. Clients are fully responsible for any conversion fees.

  • No crypto, you will be refunded & black listed.

  • All commissions are to be paid in full upfront in two payments. The first payment being a non-refundable 35% deposit, then the remaining amount on a separate invoice.

  • However, if your a returning commissioner you may be allegeable for partial payment. Meaning 75% of the commissions total would be due as above but the remaining 25% once your is completed. You can still pay in full if you so wish so.

  • Clients will have three months to pay off the remaining amount on their suit once they are completed. If no payment is made within six months, suit will be slightly altered and resold. (without refund to you).

  • Shipping will be calculated and due once your commission is ready to ship. (Customers will have up to three weeks to pay off shipping). more information in shipping paragraph.

Completion time

  • We no longer offer payment plans to lessons the wait & time it takes us to complete orders.

  • Take into consideration that I’m a single individual running this business, I am only as capable as a human can be at the end of the day. I can’t make suits overnight.

  • Due to my mental & fiscal health i don’t offer rush orders at this time.

  • Commissions are made by the order they were paid.

  • Please expect a minimum of 2 weeks for us to receive materials once we order them. (Some may take longer, head base, eye blanks, etc)

  • If your order is taking longer than estimated we greatly apologize! We are doing our best to complete orders in a timely manner but unfortunately delays can happen.

  • Please expect a minimum wait time of: 2 months for part orders, 3 to 6 months for bodysuits, 2 to 4 months for heads, 3 to 6 months for partials and 6 to 8 months for full suits.


  • All packages are sent with Canada Post, once they enter your country they will be transferred to your local post branch.

  • If a commission includes more than one item you will need to wait until the entirety of the order is completed in order for it to ship. This is due to the fact that we need proper pictures to be able to use on our website eventually.

  • All shipments will be sent with tracking and signature if available. We are aware that there are cheaper non-tracked shipping options however, due to a recent situation we will not offer them any more.

  • Customers are responsible for any shipping costs and any duty fees that may apply to their package.

  • The shipping is only due once your order is completed.

  • Please note that we are only able to go to the post office on Thursdays and Fridays as we do not have our own car.

  • You will be required to provide us your legal name and address in order for us to ship you your item, we should already have this information from you if you commissioned us anyway.

  • If you move while we are working on your order please inform us as soon as possible.

  • The shipping cost is required to be paid within 3 weeks from the time your order was completed.

  • You do have a few months to save for the shipping while I complete your order.

  • After two weeks a storage fee of five dollars will be added each week on top of your shipping cost.

  • If after three months you still did not pay the shipping, your suit will be considered as abandoned. then be edited and resold without refund.

  • Once we drop off a package at the post office we are no longer responsible for what happened to it nor the contents.

  • If a package gets sent back to us you will be notified and have a two week period to answer us.

  • If you do not reply within two weeks your order will be re-sold. Refund to be a case by case scenario.

Character reference

  • In order to commission us for a custom character you will need to have a reference of them. We require that the reference is digital and has no shading with a minimum of 2 to 3 views.

  • Please be sure that any small details are visible on the reference or that you let me know about them.

  • If errors on the suit were made due to an incorrect ref, I will not be held responsible. I may refuse to make the changes or you will be required to pay extra for them.

  • If you don’t have a reference please visit our website as we do explain how you could get one there!

  • The reference can either be SFW or NSFW.

  • References that are AI generated or made with stolen artwork will be rejected.

  • We will not make any characters that have any exaggerated padding such as breast, butts etc. I don’t have a problem with it personally, it’s just that I’m not looking to make it.

  • In a case where a client has commissioned a character that is not theirs the owner of said character is to pursue them. Also any part that is already made may be sent to the rightful owner, without any refund to you.

  • No copyrighted characters (unless your the owner)

Artist liberty commissions

  • This is where the client gives freedom of the final design of the suit, this being said there is no reference sheet that is required. In most cases we will have the client choose the species, facial expression, extra features (if desired) as well as a color palette.

  • This being said the client does not have a say over the final design. they may suggest us small changes that they would prefer, if the client indicates to us that they are trying to decide the overall final design in general, additional fees equivalent to the price of a normal custom commission would have been will be added to the shipping cost.

Design changes

These will work on a case to case basis.

  • Before any changes are made you will need to pay the price difference/extra fees.

  • Please expect a rate of 15 USD per hour plus materials for any changes you need made.

  • Mistakes that im 100% responsible for will be free.

  • During the making of your suit, if you see something you you’d like changed please let us know.

  • We have no issue with small changes as long as they don’t require us to restart any part of the suit.

  • Some changes may not be possible due to the stage of the suit.

  • I may refuse to make any changes I feel are too complicated.

Limited warranty

Our limited warranty also applies to premades.

  • Every suit comes with a limited warranty that is activated once you receive your package.

  • Warranty covers normal wear and tear or any making errors to be determined by myself as for being the maker.

  • All shipping costs must be paid by the customer (I truly wish I could offer to pay them myself however, our business isn’t large enough to do that).

  • All repairs are free except if extensive ones are required. then you will need to pay the materials at minimum.

  • Sizing issues due to inaccurate measurements or DTD will require you to pay an additional repair fee.

  • We will not repair suits that have been messed around with and purposely broken.

  • Any editing will void the warranty

  • If you have used your suit and adult activities we would prefer not to work with it unfortunately due to sanitary reasons.

  • The limited warranty is of: 6 months for parts, bodysuits and head only commissions./ 9 months for mini partials and partials./ 12 months for full suits.


These will work on a case to case basis.

  • 35% of the cost of any commissions is non-refundable. In a case where I cannot complete your order due to professional or personal reasons I will happily fully refund you!

  • You may only request a refund if it’s been longer than 6 months for parts or 12 months for head-fullsuits.

  • Refunds won’t be instantly made, this will be discussed privately with the customer and based on the case.

  • If we have ordered the materials for your suit 50% is non-refundable.

  • If we have started your suit 60-80% is nonrefundable (depending on stage it is in).

  • If you were unhappy with your suit or no longer wish to receive it, we can either send it to you and you sell it off yourself or we can put it up for auction. This will be a case by case scenario discussed with the client and changes to the existing suit may be made.

  • If the suit is still in our possession and does not sell within three months we will also take 10% of the sale price from it and refund you the remaining amount.

Updates and communication

  • Our preferred communication platforms are Facebook and Telegram.

  • We will not communicate through email only.

  • Please don’t harass us for updates or wips, we will send you some when we have some :).

  • Service is available in both English and French. Nos services sont aussi disponibles en français!


  • Any harassment of any form will not be tolerated and will get your order canceled.

  • Any of these will be considered has harassment: verbal abuse, beware threats, slandering of any sort, Docksin, spreading false rumors, constantly asking for updates or making small remarks to any little mistake/imperfection.

  • A single warning will be given to you if harassment has happened. however, we do reserve the right to cancel your order without warning (Refund will depend on stage of the commission).

  • A beware may be made on you if the situation is escalated.

Duct tape dummy (DTD)

  • All body & full-suit commission requires a DTD.

  • Duck tape dummies are required to be made over a painters suit.

  • Please write your name on the DTD!

  • Must be made of at least two layers of high quality duck tape.

  • The DTD must include one of your feet to be taped.

  • Locations of elbows, knees and tail must be marked in permanent marker.

  • Pleases tape your DTD back together, if not a fee of 25-30USD will added to the shipping cost.

  • Please don’t cut seems of the shoulders, it weakens the DTD.

  • We will don’t work will fragile nor DTD’s that don’t meet our standards, it will simply be thrown out and you will be required to send a new one or your commission will be cancelled.

  • We are not responsible if you DTD breaks while we are working on the suit, resulting in us not being able to complete the commission.

  • We are not responsible for any sizing issues due to a poorly made DTD.

  • If you don’t provide us a DTD within six months of requesting one your order will be cancelled, refunds will vary from case to case.

  • Air out your DTD before packing it.

  • Please declare the package as no value/gift, if not we may be charged import fees & they will be added to the shipping cost of your suit.